Simply fill out this reply form to discover how you can obtain these beautiful books for your home.
//Variable declarations
//Root directory of the Sender directory, relative to this form.
$rootdir = "../Sender/";
//Directory of the success and fail pages, relative to the Sender directory. If in the Sender directory leave blank.
$dir = "../mbf/";
//The page that loads when everything is good
$success = "good.php";
//The page that loads when something goes wrong
$failure = "bad.php";
// Name of the email field in the form
$email_var = "Email";
//Required fields, NO SPACES
$required = "Name,Address,City,State,Zip,Phone,Email,IP";
//The format of the email to be sent, customize for each form.
$template = "Someone would like %Product% in their home..
The user's details and answer are as follows:
Name.......................: %Name%
Address....................: %Address%
Apt #......................: %Apt%
City, State, and Zip.......: %City%, %State% %Zip%
Country....................: %Country%
Phone......................: %Phone%
Email address..............: %Email%
IP address.................: %IP%
//The email address of who the form gets sent to
$to = "HHES@pacificpress.com";
//Subject of the email to the site owner
$subject = "You have received an email from The Bible Story website";
//Automatic email response subject
$autosubject = "Thank you for your interest in My Bible Friends";
//Automatic email response message
$autoreply = "Dear %Name%,
This is an automatic reply from your inquiry for more information on how to see %Product% in your home. Someone will be contacting you as soon as possible.";
//Sets variables DO NOT CHANGE
$success = $dir . $success;
$failure = $dir . $failure;
$thedirectory = $rootdir . "sender.php";
// Sets up hidden fields for form and opens the form tag
echo " |